No matter who you are, suicide has likely touched your life, whether it’s a family member, a friend, an acquaintance, or even yourself.
Life can be very challenging, especially as our world continues to change. And for those who struggle with suicidal thoughts, it may seem like an easy way to escape the pain or suffering they are experiencing.
The best way to successfully prevent suicide is to recognize the signs. If you believe someone you know may be contemplating suicide, here are the warning signs:
- Feelings of hopelessness, emptiness, or having no purpose
- Feelings of being trapped or having no reason to live
- Extremely sad, incredibly anxious, full of rage, or easily agitated
- Feelings of guilt or shame
- Talking about wanting to die or saying the world would be better off without them
- Feeling like they are a burden to others
- Feeling unbearable physical or emotional pain
- Researching ways to die or purchasing weapons
- Increasing use of drugs or alcohol
- Feeling isolated or withdrawing from family, friends, and other activities
- Behaving recklessly
- Seeking revenge
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Having extreme mood swings
- Writing or posting on social media about death and suicide
Not everyone will have all the warning signs, and some signs may not even be listed above. Connecting with the people around you, recognizing when their behaviors are different than usual, and having the courage to ask them about it is the most effective way of helping someone who may be struggling.
It has been proven that strong connections to family and community support are key to helping those contemplating suicide. Suicide occurs most often when the stresses of life or major health challenges lead to feelings of despair and hopelessness. However, individuals who are part of a strong, connected family and community are more likely to overcome these feelings through the love and connection of those around them.
Another way to prevent suicide is to protect yourself and others from ever getting to those thoughts in the first place. Here are some important protective measures you can take.
- Learn and teach problem-solving and coping skills to promote resiliency
- Create a connection with family and community
- Adopt cultural and religious beliefs that create a strong sense of purpose, encourage connection, champion seeking help when you need it, and discourage suicidal behavior
- Limit access to deadly weapons or other lethal means
- Make sure to have proper access to mental healthcare
- Be proactive about your own mental health and the mental health of those you love
- Most of all, Create a strong connection with Heavenly Father and the Savior
If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, don’t be afraid or ashamed to reach out and ask for help. This world wasn’t meant for us to suffer alone. You are loved very much by those around you and by your Heavenly Father.
Your life is valuable and important. You are the only you there is—and that’s pretty amazing.
Suicide prevention is possible when mental health becomes a priority. Take care of your own mental health and encourage others to do the same.
The best way to prevent suicide for yourself and others is to be proactive about mental health.
Taking care of ourselves is not selfish—it’s the greatest gift we can give.